Live Longer with the Help of Man’s Best Friend

Live Longer with the Help of Man’s Best Friend

When looking for advice about living a longer life, you see your typical tips like eating right, getting plenty of sleep, and regularly exercising. But did you know that getting a dog can extend the longevity of your life? It may seem a little silly at first, but...
5 Tips to Keep Your Body and Mind Young

5 Tips to Keep Your Body and Mind Young

For centuries, the search for the fountain of youth has spanned the entire globe. While this fountain is a myth, trying to keep your body younger for longer has become the modern day version of this. Studies have shown that regular exercise accompanied by good...
Changing the Brain with Regular Exercise

Changing the Brain with Regular Exercise

We already know that exercise is important to help us maintain a good state of physical health, but recent research indicates it’s also important to our mental health. Studies have found that regular moderate physical activity helps strengthen the brain in terms...

Why Do People in Some Countries Live Longer?

The average lifespan of the world’s population as a whole has been on the rise since the advent of many modern medical discoveries. Antibiotics have helped to treat the infections that in former generations caused widespread death. There are numerous advances...
The Power of Water: Part 2

The Power of Water: Part 2

It makes up 70% of our earth’s surface and about 60% of our own body weight. Water is the essence of life. Without it, we would all perish and many people have a hard time getting enough into their system in one day. Some people go their entire life without enough...
Tips for a Healthy Ageing Brain

Tips for a Healthy Ageing Brain

  At any age, there are times when our brains seem to travel to a far away place and it becomes concerning. Even as young as our 20s our brain can see memory levels fading and forgetfulness. This being said, our brains will often remain sharp until our senior...