The average lifespan of the world’s population as a whole has been on the rise since the advent of many modern medical discoveries. Antibiotics have helped to treat the infections that in former generations caused widespread death. There are numerous advances that have been made in treating diseases such as cancer.

Even with the advances in modern medicine, there are still places in this world where people live longer. It is important to find out what factors are at play in helping people in certain countries live longer than average.

The areas of the world in which people live longer than average are in Japan, and Mediterranean Europe. The twofactors that appear in these regions that influence longevity are diet and lifestyle.

In both Japan and the Mediterranean area of Europe, the people consume a diet that is low in red meat. The diet in these areas is centered around fruits, vegetables and fish. By avoiding the over consumption of red meat, people in these areas don’t have the problems associated with atherosclerosis that is caused by high cholesterol and triglycerides. A diet that is rich in fish will have an abundance of Omega-3 fatty acids which are proven to promote overall cardiovascular health.

Staying fit is an important lifestyle factor that fosters longevity in these areas. Exercise that is performed at moderate levels several times throughout the week helps with cardiovascular fitness. It helps to keep the blood pressure lower, and it is known to help foster a sense of well being.

Japan and the Mediterranean area also promote cultures that are rich in family life and social relationships. These relationships help to mitigate stress which is a factor that contributes to both physical and mental health difficulties. When one has another person to communicate the problems of life with, it helps to relieve the stress and tension that might otherwise build up to an unhealthy level.

One other important factor identified with long-lived seniors is that they have a sense of happiness and satisfaction with their lives. Seniors who have meaningful activities on which to spend their time feel better and tend to live longer. Those seniors who have vocations and avocations that they can still pleasurably engage in have better mental health and the positive attitude that can lead to feeling better and living longer.