Natural Memory Improvement

Natural Memory Improvement

It is common for someone to occasionally experience moments of forgetfulness. This often occurs during busy times in a person’s life. It may be normal, but a bad memory is frustrating. Genetics can be part of a person’s memory loss. Research has confirmed...
Morning Stretches to Relieve Pain 

Morning Stretches to Relieve Pain 

 Stretching the body to its full length after waking seems to be an automatic movement; even animals do it, but an intentional daily stretching routine can help relieve pain better than one quick stretch first thing in the morning. Lying in bed for a full night’s...
Updated Information on the Pfizer Vaccine 

Updated Information on the Pfizer Vaccine 

Pfizer and BioNTech have produced this new COVID-19 vaccine. Recent data show that the vaccine can remain effective if stored for a fortnight at average freezer temperatures. This has dramatically eased the distribution of the vaccine in the United States and all over...
How Australia Has Been Able To Control The Covid-19 Virus

How Australia Has Been Able To Control The Covid-19 Virus

The Covid-19 virus has caused substantial upheaval and tragedy across much of the world in the past year. Except for a few regions, most countries have struggled to contain the spread of the virus. Australia is one of the few countries that has been able to keep the...
The CDC on Holiday Gatherings

The CDC on Holiday Gatherings

This year has brought many changes to the lives of people from all over the world. The coronavirus pandemic has made everyone think about how they socialize. In recent months, people have been asked to stay home from group activities that may even include going to...
What You Need to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccines

What You Need to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccines

Since the start of the pandemic, the federal government has been working diligently to help make coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines available as soon as possible. While there are currently no approved vaccines available for COVID-19, it’s anticipated that there...