Not Just Living Longer, But Better, with Diabetes Management

Intensive management of type II diabetes may make a huge difference on how long, as well as how well, you will live, according to this study. Even if you failed to manage your diabetes until beyond middle age, beginning management now could have a dramatic impact on...

Smell Test May Be Able To Predict Alzheimer’s

Can a smell test predict Alzheimer’s? According to research conducted at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC), New York State Psychiatric Institute, and NewYork-Presbyterian, it just might. When aging people take an odour identification test, their inability to...

Pomegranates Anti-Ageing Capabilities

Pomegranates have long been touted as an elixir of anti-aging, but there has been very little research that proves those claims, outside of the rich amounts of antioxidants contain. Until now, that is.   Research shows that there is a compound within pomegranates...

Remote Italian Village Could Hold Secrets of Longevity

The average life expectancy in Australia is 82.10 years. The global life expectancy worldwide is 71. Those with better diets and healthcare statistically live longer regardless of where they live on this planet, but this remote Italian village of Acciaroli, which is...