Keeping Your Brain Agile with Music

You may not be considered one of the professional performers out there. But that doesn’t mean you don’t benefit from learning the way to play musical instruments. Music will always be an exciting and enthralling experience, and later on, you will realise that playing...

Consortium Uses Tiny Worms To Screen For Anti-Aging Chemicals

There is currently a large need for pharmaceuticals that can combat age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and Huntington’s disease. Doctors at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging are trying to fill this niche. The team is working to identify...

Pomegranates Anti-Ageing Capabilities

Pomegranates have long been touted as an elixir of anti-aging, but there has been very little research that proves those claims, outside of the rich amounts of antioxidants contain. Until now, that is.   Research shows that there is a compound within pomegranates...

A Vaccine for Alzheimer’s Disease?

As we find more ways of living healthier and longer, and we research more ways of healing diseases that were previously terminal, we find that Alzheimer’s disease is becoming more and more prevalent. There were more than 48 million cases of dementia in 2015, and it is...

Remote Italian Village Could Hold Secrets of Longevity

The average life expectancy in Australia is 82.10 years. The global life expectancy worldwide is 71. Those with better diets and healthcare statistically live longer regardless of where they live on this planet, but this remote Italian village of Acciaroli, which is...