If you experience a backache, toothache, or any other discomfort, it’s understandable to go for an over-the-counter or prescription painkiller. Many individuals depend on medications, but these come hand in hand with side effects, potential adverse reactions, the possibility of addiction, and accidental overdoses.
While severe situations may necessitate pharmaceutical painkillers, getting some relief from several natural painkillers is also feasible. These natural painkillers belong under the umbrella of alternative medicine, a practice field that includes acupuncture, yoga, reiki, and other modalities. There is a long history of using many herbs and spices to reduce inflammation and discomfort.
While there can be many advantages to reducing pain and inflammation organically, you should be aware that these methods occasionally conflict with other medications you are taking. Certain natural painkillers have yet to be well examined in humans (particularly when it comes to dosage). The FDA does not control the quality of supplements in the same way it does for medications.
Before incorporating any supplements into your regimen, you must speak with a licensed healthcare provider, especially if you have any underlying medical issues or are already taking medication.
Ayurvedic medicine frequently employs frankincense, also known as Boswellia. Boswellia is known for treating colitis and arthritis, fluid edema in the brain (brain swelling), and osteoarthritis (OA). Boswellia is typically safe, although some people may experience an allergic reaction if they use it topically. Additionally, it might not work well with some drugs, such as antiplatelet and anticoagulant ones. Boswellia extract may make bleeding more likely if you take one of these medications.
Curry’s distinctive flavor and yellow color are attributed to the spice turmeric. It contains the anti-oxidant curcumin, which aids in shielding the body from free radicals that can cause cell damage. Its capacity to lessen inflammation and soothe swelling has also been extensively researched. Although turmeric is most frequently used as a spice, it is also offered as a supplement. It is commonly combined with piperine, a substance included in black pepper, to boost its absorption. It can treat ulcers, unsettled stomach, psoriasis, and inflammation brought on by diseases such as OA. Despite being primarily regarded as harmless, turmeric has a few side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, headaches, and rashes.
Cloves are a commonly used spice. Whole cloves are frequently used to season rice and meat recipes. Due to the presence of eugenol, a natural pain reliever that is also present in various over-the-counter pain rubs, cloves can serve as a natural pain reliever. You can get cloves as a powder or a pill. There is also clove oil that can be used topically to lessen pain. Many conditions are frequently treated with cloves, including nausea, colds, headaches, toothaches, arthritis pain, diarrhea, and indigestion. Adverse side effects, such as liver issues or skin discomfort, may occur when using cloves as a supplement. Even though clove oil can be administered topically to treat conditions like toothache discomfort, undiluted clove oil may harm your gums, so consult a dentist before using it at home.