The Best Exercises for Reducing Inflammation

The Best Exercises for Reducing Inflammation

What is Inflammation Inflammation is the process by which white blood cells fight against bacteria, viruses, and infections that may harm the body. When these cells are damaged, the immune system is affected. Some chemicals such as proteins and antibodies get released...
Morning Stretches to Relieve Pain 

Morning Stretches to Relieve Pain 

 Stretching the body to its full length after waking seems to be an automatic movement; even animals do it, but an intentional daily stretching routine can help relieve pain better than one quick stretch first thing in the morning. Lying in bed for a full night’s...
Updated Information on the Pfizer Vaccine 

Updated Information on the Pfizer Vaccine 

Pfizer and BioNTech have produced this new COVID-19 vaccine. Recent data show that the vaccine can remain effective if stored for a fortnight at average freezer temperatures. This has dramatically eased the distribution of the vaccine in the United States and all over...